Dear Students and Parents, Please be assured that the wellbeing of our students and our staff are our priorities while at the same time we seek ways to ensure that this global crisis does not have a great impact on the education of our students. Our teachers, administrators, and student service team are working tirelessly to build continuous teaching and learning that will help our students achieve successful learning outcomes at the end of the academic year.
There is nothing we cannot accomplish when we work together as a team. We will ensure that optimum learning opportunities will be presented to students where they will learn from our teachers through interactive live sessions as well as learn at their own pace through online learning portals filled with pre-recorded lessons, fun and engaging coursework activities, and extra resources.
So we ask you for your support as we prepare for this important transition. As parents and guardians, you were and continue to be your child's first and most important teacher. While our academic and student service team will be leading the way, we know you will be encouraging, supporting, and teaching your child side-by-side with us.
We are trying to make the best of the situation for everyone. Thank you for helping us rise to this challenge. We couldn't do it without you.
Ms. Pwint Nee Aung
Director of Studies cum Lecturer
Yangon, Myanmar
I am working as a Principal at Royal Academic Institute of CROWN EDUCATION and I have worked in Myanmar Education System for over 35 years.
Since GAC Program is fully accredited by ACT Education Solutions and the students are allowed to attend the international universities directly. GAC course will cover three levels within one year. The students’ qualifications become upgraded after finishing each level as they had to pass through by using critical thinking skill and other skills. The foundation program provides wholesome development before they study abroad and it is proper course for English as a Second Language students. This program is diverse from other traditional education system.
It is hoped that the students would attend international universities without any difficulties after awarding Global Assessment Certificate.
Dr Khin Aung Than
Yangon, Myanmar

“I am currently working as the Academic Manager for the GAC program at Crown Institute in Yangon, Myanmar. I began teaching for the program since 2015 and I have to say that the GAC program is one of the most rigorous programs available for the Myanmar students."
“The program is well planned and addresses all the necessary skills required for the students to cope and excel in University. Students leave the program, equipped with not only the necessary English skills, study skills and communicative skills but also with maturity and self-dependence. As a program, the quality of the delivery is ensured by means of the check and balances and moderation procedures, safeguarding that the teachers are on the right track and students get the guidance required.
Ultimately, I believe that GAC provides the best bridge for the students who are keen to further their education in English-speaking countries.”
Ms. Cynthia @ May Win Lwin
Academic Advisor cum Lecturer
Yangon, Myanmar

Mr Naing Oo
Academic Coordinator

Ms Su Myat Htet
Academic Coordinator
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